6 Week Course

Designed to empower you to understand and embrace who you are, even in the midst of challenging and stressful circumstances.


  • Dates: Thursday October 10 to November 7, 2024
  • Time: 7.30pm – 8.45pm
  • Duration: 6 Weeks 
  • Online
  • 6 x 75 min group online sessions with break-out rooms
  • Email support
  • Community & Connection
  • VIP Optional Private Bonus Coaching

OVERVIEW: Through a trauma informed lens

  • Becoming grounded through self awareness in the midst of anxiety-experience greater levels of calm.
  • What “Now Worry” to a “What if” fear-Game changer to reduce worry and anxiety
  • Using Stress Productively-taking positive action reducing the powerless cycle that keeps you stuck
  • Emotional Resilience, Discover what will increase your Capacity to tolerate distress
  • Communicate Assertively with Strong Healthy Boundaries
  • Proven tools to equip you with your kids’ anxiety, meltdowns, opposition, protest, dysregulation or non-compliance.
  • Engage in building blocks to become powerful and confident-disengaging from the powerless cycle -working within the sphere of your influence and control.
  • Practices of daily Self-care and Renewal



  • Recognising and Understanding the premise of your stress. Discovering and recognising the patterns that keep you stuck in fear and stress


  • Using it Productively
  • Noticing a stress response
  • Bringing CALM to a triggered or stress response
  • Discover how to take Action – Anything that stresses you is what is important to you.
  • Access tools to discover what isn’t working and what you need


  • Noticing what happens in YOU with a stress response
  • Noticing patterns of where YOU project a stress response.
  • Recognising and understanding the pattern of Anxiety
  • Discover empowering tools of breaking the sabotaging cycle of Anxiety
  • Key to Using stress productively


  • Nurturing, Self Soothing, Self Care- Physical, Emotional, Psychological,Spriritual
  • Explore Relaxing vs Escaping-Distractors
  • Noticing: are activities containing or reducing your stress
  • Building a stress tolerance plan


  • Understanding the role of a hijacked Amygdala


  • What happens when you feel powerless
  • Understanding the triangulation of the powerless cycle
  • Victim, Rescuer, Bad Guy vs Being Powerful and Assertive


  • Holding Space for yourself through the lens of love
  • The power of empathy, self compassion, and self acceptance
  • Altering your sabotaging lens and narrative

  • Access practical tools for understanding and communicating your emotions and needs


  • Separating “What if” fears, to ‘What now” worries
  • Assertive action implemented from your values
  • Setting healthy boundaries from an “I” position


  • What is the goal?
  • Understanding vs Agreement
  • Explore tools to hold space for healthy listening and communication 


  • Understanding yours and your child’s
  • Building a non-anxious calm presence with Noticing
  • I See You, I Hear You, I am With You

“I would highly recommend this to all parents whether they have problems with their children or not. Christine presents real-life working principles that are not just merely theoretical messages or practices. The principles are grounded in experience. It focuses on what we do have control over vs changing other people- where we do not have control. This has been truly empowering”.


“When I met Christine in July I decided to do the Free 3 Day Challenge. I had been to so many parenting courses or programs. But this was totally different. The language and delivery were so relatable, it was as if Christine was speaking directly to me as if she had been in my family. It was so refreshing and it made so much sense. I felt empowered to go on a transformation journey. It wasn’t a chore, it was logical and has made a huge difference in my life.

Previously, My chaos/ stress levels could not be pinpointed between 1-10, they were off the chart 15-20. After the challenge, the free discovery call, and with 4 sessions with Christine our home and family are so calm. My teenage daughter wants to be at home and spend time with us, the dynamics of our family have changed for the better. I have practical tools and have been able to use them, and they work. My focus has changed to take care of myself, my thinking has changed, and this has changed my relationship with my partner and daughter.

I realised that when I am calm and not stressed out everyone is calmer. I have never thought or imagined that I could experience a calm family with no yelling, or walking on eggshells. My experience and connection with my daughter is so different”.

Evelyn H

Please note that the minimum number of participants for this course is 6 and the maximum number of participants is 12.