What are you needing as parents? What are you wanting or hoping to see change or develop or enhanced for you and your family. What are the challenges in the year ahead?

I am navigating through a son repeating year 4 and supporting him to own and solve his problems and challenges in order to continue to grow in resilience and responsibility. My teenage girl is starting year 7, and I know the year will be filled with many challenges, in upgrading my skills to be more consultative through the emotions, hormones, social struggles and the challenge of respect and connection maintained in the home.

As a Parent, we can feel excited for a new year and also feel daunted by the challenges ahead. On most days, it can feel like a gift, and occasionally it would seem easier to give the gift to someone else. Periodically the road ahead becomes a little messy, with the constant juggle of the demands, circumstances, whilst navigating through our values. Intermittently we can feel ill equipped, and wonder are we enough, do I have what it takes? In my periods of journeying through these moments I have found it most helpful to spend time connecting with me, my heart and tension, and have found solace in being led to a place of inner rest. Through this process of self-connection and kindness, I am able to ask myself what do I need, and with greater clarity and renewed strength I re-establish the truth I am enough, I am OK.  What are your thoughts? Is this helpful, what do you do when it’s tough going?