Foundation Engagement Package


8 Week Parenting Course
3 x 15minute Calls



✔ River of Hope 8 week Online Parenting Course

  • Connect with parents – You are not alone
  • Establish community with parents who want to grow
  • Receive support in the group
  • 3 x 15 minute Calls over the 8 sessions with Christine

Bonus: The Confident Parent booklet valued $25

Course Modules –

  • SESSION 1 & 2 Introduction and Session – Wellbeing – Self Care continuum
  • SESSION 3  Who do I project my focus on – Me or my child(ren)?
  • SESSION 4 What do I notice about my tensions, worry and anxiety? Where do I project my tension?
  • SESSION 5 What do I notice in my body, breathing and emotions when I experience stress or anxiety.
  • SESSION 6 Building connection and Resiliency with your child
  • SESSION 7 Building connection through noticing sends the message – I hear you, I see you, I am with you. I am on your side.
  • SESSION 8 Fine-tune our kids to their inner voice and not just an outside voice

Bonus: The Confident Parent booklet valued $25


“There’s been tremendous growth in myself, and in my kids! I have seen my older 2 kids model my previous anxious self and it’s been a good wakeup call for me to change and role model to them calmness! I’m teaching them skills that I have learnt in the course to manage our own emotions and responses”.